[WriteLog] LPT and XP

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Thu Sep 8 21:01:09 EDT 2005


After too many crashes with 98SE, I've switched to XP.  Now I can't 
use any of the LPT Ports in the Setup>Ports.

Direct IO has been installed, Fixcom.exe has been executed and DX4Win 
V7.01 has been loaded (several references have been made regarding 
the LPT driver in DX4Win).  The archives have been consulted.  This 
led to trying several settings for lpt1 in the WL.ini file.  Nothing 
seems to make a difference.

A few comments on my efforts to get lpt to work:
Set-up - XP w/SP2, WL V10.55D,  "DVK type Windows sound board" highlighted.
I doubt if I have Direct IO correctly set-up as it leaves a lot to be 
desired on set-up instructions.
When Fixcom.exe is opened the DOS window opens and shuts before 
anything can be read.  So don't know if I need to do anything else.
DX4Win was loaded and installed a couple of times.
The suggestions in the archive have been tried, without any 
success.  My LPT1 port settings are 0378 x 037F.

  Any ideas on what may be occurring with my set-up to keep lpt from 
being able to be used?

         Mike, K4GMH 

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