[WriteLog] NAQP CW setup

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Fri Aug 4 02:19:17 EDT 2006

On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Rod Greene W7ZRC wrote:

 > What is the recommended F-key setup for the CW messages in NAQP CW?
 > I think I have it pretty well figured out, but since I'm new to CW with
 > Writelog I'd appreciate any suggestions for what goes where and the key
 > sequence that you all like to use when running/S&P, etc. Perhaps you have
 > some favorite combination that works well for you.

I dunno about "recommended", but here's what I am using.

For my F-keys setup (below), I have two X-Keys external macro button strips 
mounted at a 45 degree angle at the top of a mini keyboard...and these 
buttons (color coded) activate the F-keys in WL.  Some of the F-keys 
assignments are for Generic, NS, Sprint or other-uses so disregard those.

Regular F2      %C?                             Not normally used...I'll 
respond to a partial call
Regular F3      <tu>%O k6vva <tu>       [Also auto re-zero's the RIT - 
Regular F4      k6vva
Regular F5      rick <ca>                       For complete exchange repeats
Regular F6      rick                            For Name only repeat
Regular F7      <ca>                            For QTH only repeat
Regular F8      k6vva <na>
Regular F9      rick <ca>                       [Duplication to my Sprint 
key next to the Run key]
Regular F10     %C rick <ca>
Regular F1&F11  cq k6vva <na>

Shifted F2      [Other Contest Use]
Shifted         F3      <niq>                           For NCCC "NS" (Non 
Intervening QSO)
Shifted F4      <cl?>
Shifted F5      <agn?>
Shifted F6      <name?>
Shifted         F7      <qth>?
Shifted         F8      <qrl>?                  I try to use this BEFORE 
"CQing" on a new freq.
Shift   F9      <<kb>>                  NCCC Motto/Slogan
Shift   F10     <<ee>>                  "Dit Dit"
Shift   F1&F11  <<?>>                           "Dit Dit Dah Dah Dit Dit"

For CQ/Run Mode, Regular F10 sends call & exchange, then grabs F3 when the 
enter button is pushed the 2nd time & logs the QSO.

For S&P Mode, Regular F9 is used ... just like in NS/Sprint, then a CTRL + 
ENTER to log the QSO.

Hope this helps.

73 & "Good luck in the contest, OM!"

Rick, K6VVA * The Locust
NCCC Co-Founding Member

P.S. Obviously, part of the challenge is to push the correct 
button(s)...and I still have some de-QLFing to do :-)

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