[WriteLog] Dumb Question

Mike Brown k9mi at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 14 23:31:11 EDT 2006

I have had voice problems that have pretty much kept me from voice contests 
for the last couple of years. I have used the sound card as a DVK in a 
contest where the exchange is the same every time, and I have to operate S&P 
only. Such as this weekend's NAQP SSB. If I would try and run, I still would 
have to answer the caller with my voice and then use the DVK for the 
exchange. Is there anyway I could type in the call of the responding station 
and then maybe go to the next field and have WriteLog send his call? Could I 
record letters and numbers and hit an F key and have it send it out?

I know this sounds rediculous and I feel dumb for even asking. I'm just so 
frustrated by this problem, which I had an operation for in December, and I 
can't even hold a 5 minute qso on 2m until I've lost my voice again. This 

73, Mike K9MI

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