[WriteLog] WL CW Keying Enhancement
Duane A Calvin
ac5aa at juno.com
Mon Aug 21 23:44:36 EDT 2006
That's one of the things I like about the Logikey keyers - they allow the
ability of adding programmable spacing between characters. I have the
same problem with the "5AA" in my call. The 5 turns into a 4 because the
two "A's" trick peoples' minds into thinking the 5 also had a "dah" at
teh end of it. With the Logikey keyer, I just program an extra element
space in to the space between 5 and A, and it solves the problem most of
the time. PC generated keying could do the same thing with this level of
programmability. Bottom line - I'd welcome this also.
73, Duane
On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 19:35:19 -0700 "Eric Hilding" <dx35 at hilding.com>
> *** SSB Operators please press your DELETE key ***
> I've been wanting to make this suggestion for a long time, and
> finally getting around to it. During this past Field Day, the need
> became even more apparent.
> Computer generated keying is great, but with certain combinations of
> letters, can create many unnecessary requests for repeat of a
> callsign at higher speeds (not every CW op on the planet always
> copies well).
> Part of my Field Day time was spent at the local CDF (California
> Division of Forestry) EOC facilities where I took my TS-480S &
> WriteLog to help make some CW QSOs for them. The callsign used was
> W6HUL.
> About 15% to 20% of the time, if I called a station, they came back
> with W6SUL. Many ops seemed to have difficulty with a "6" and an
> "H" next to each other. It became highly frustrating. Even when I
> slowed down, the problem was still there much of the time. If I
> went to the paddles and included a bit of extra spacing between the
> 6 and the H, things were better.
> Over a year ago I suggested the following mod to Tree for TRlog, but
> don't know if he incorporated it yet or not since I'm currently
> using WL for both CW & SSB.
> In addition to helping deal with the "6H" problem, over the last
> year I've notice more ops reverting to the good old fashioned "bug".
> Some are very skillful, and some are very QLF. Personally, I like
> the keying nuances and rhythmic feel skilled ops bring to the art of
> CW using a bug, because I used one for so many years.
> My friend Jim Neiger, N6TJ, can always tell when I am sending with
> regular paddles (non-bug) vs. a computer, because I add a little
> extra spacing between some of the letters. If I call stations with
> the paddles, I also notice fewer requests for callsign repeats
> compared to computer keying (unless they are sharp contesters who
> recognize my call).
> So what is this leading to?
> IMHO, we CW ops need the ability to incorporate "differential
> spacing" into the WL CW Message fields. Trying to solve the "6H"
> problem by putting a full space between the 6 and the H doesn't cut
> the mustard. It turns out ugly ;-(
> Different people with different letter/number combinations in their
> callsigns need different spacing options. I don't know if the curly
> braces are used for anything else in WL, but if so, some other
> symbols could be used. I'll just use them here as an example.
> Basically, the number 1 (One) would be current normal WL CW keying.
> A ".75" would be a shorter spacing, whereas "1.25" would be a longer
> spacing (between characters/numbers sent).
> In my case, I'll ballpark the following example from a WL CW Message
> line for illustration purposes only:
> %C k{1}6{1.25}v{1.2}v{1.3}a
> Of course, if no {} curly brackets, regular spacing would apply.
> Having the ability to use 3 places past the decimal (i.e., 1.237)
> would really provide for fine-tuning!
> At 35WPM or higher speeds, depending upon a person's callsign
> makeup, the ability to fine-tune and add subtle differential
> spacings between the characters/numbers as desired is an extremely
> valuable enhancement. Further, it can help get some "uniqueness"
> back on the CW bands vs. 99% of everyone sounding the same.
> Personally, I yearn for the W4KFC, DU7SV, et.al CW fist sounds!
> Taking things to the next level, adding the ability to vary the
> "weighting" and/or shorten or elongate characters being sent would
> be absolutely incredible. One could really create a unique
> non-run-of-the-mill "Electronic Fist" vs. the standard old HO-HUM
> everybody-sounds-the-same CW being spit out of any computer logging
> programs on the bands today.
> Umh, since I got the royal flame treatment over my past "Crusades"
> involving other CW enhancements as well as added SSB WL Voice-Keying
> functionalities, I expect this to be no different. "Rolls Royce"
> functionality is not for people who are comfortable with a VW...but
> that's OK.
> Tnx & 73...
> Rick, K6VVA
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas
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