[WriteLog] Matching Sidetone + WriteLog CW Decoder

k0bx at arrl.net k0bx at arrl.net
Mon Dec 11 08:45:11 EST 2006

As they say in the old country, "Read the Manual".

To set the CW Decoder to other than the default, you
must make a '.ini'. setting.  This is from the help in

The WriteLog CW Receiver screen automatically appears
when you select the CW mode. The frequency display is
the top left panel. It always displays the frequency
ranges +/- 250Hz from a center frequency shown by the
light blue vertical bar in the very. The yellow
vertical bar shows your receive frequency. You can set
the center (transmit) frequency in WRITELOG.INI using
the CW_XMIT_FREQ setting.


Change the 750 to your 600 pitch and all will be well
in the world.

Joe K0BX

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