[WriteLog] Solution for Not displaying Time in Packet Spot Window

Rick Davenport ki1g at cox.net
Thu Feb 9 15:11:09 EST 2006

Hi All,

It seems that the format of the DX announcement from TELNET is what causes a
spot to either show up with or without a time stamp in the Packet Spot

My solution to this was to download VE7CC's free AR USER program. This
program links to your TELNET node and makes setting filters and other
parameters on the TELNET node quite easy. One of the features of this
program is that it will reformat the data and make it available for an
external logging program. In the program (AR USER), under
Configuration>Ports/Logging Program, you can setup the data which gets
passed to the logging program. I have found that by using this and
UNCHECKING the Live Spot Format box, all spots to Writelog's Packet Spot
Window get time stamped now.

When setting up the TELNET connection in Writelog, first have AR USER
(VE7CC) running. Then open the packet window in Writelog. Click on Telnet
and use for the ip address and 7300 for the port.

That's it....

Now if we could toggle the azimuth on and off in the .ini file I would be

Rick KI1G

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