[WriteLog] Correct Questions

ROOFUS roofus at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 7 14:35:19 EDT 2006

Lots of words, sorry..........

Maybe I have been asking the wrong questions or just not wording them right, I don't know.  This is the best I can do, I have been using WL since Jan, 03 and a happy camper.  Back on 5/26/06 I posted this group regarding "CUT NUMBERS" but never did get them working, no big deal for now.  For Field Day weekend I took this computer which I use a USB adaptor for rig control (that has been working since Jan 03) in comm port 7 (Commslot2=7).  When I got hope and put the station back together my computer reassigned the USB port to comm 8, no big deal?  I went back into the ini and changed Commslot7=8 but that did not work so I tried Commslot3=8 but nothing changed.  It seemed like no matter what I did I could not make changes in the ini file.  Well I decided to uninstall WL and start from scratch which I did using windows add/remove plus deleting anything else I could find.  I reinstalled WL (10.55D) thinking I would be starting from scratch BUT that didn't happen.  Opening WL it showed comm ports 1 7 3 4 my OLD set up and never asked me for a registration code.  That led me to my last post of Starting Over and a call to Ron, non of which has solved the problem.  I asked Ron if installing the new 10.60G might solve the problem but he did not know, I chose to spend the $30.00 and give it a try.  Now we are in real time, I few minutes ago I removed everything I could find in my computer regarding WL and installed 10.60G, it asked for my registration code and I thought I was back on board, once it loaded and opened I looked at the ports setup and it shows com7 not 2..............I cried.

I closed the program and went into the hard drive programs folder and found the WL folder but could not find a writelog.ini file that I am used to seeing (a note pad looking icon with a gear in it) but found a TV screen looking thing that says wlini but at this time I'm to the point of being afraid to click on it.

I am a faithful WL user but at wits end,

Dennis KI8U

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