[WriteLog] Microham Digikeyer

Duane A Calvin ac5aa at juno.com
Thu Jul 20 17:17:43 EDT 2006

        I haven't used my DigiKeyer in a full CW contest yet, but in my
occasional use of it, there has been no stuttering.  Initially I had a
problem with RTTY and an occasional stutter, but I think the kinks have
been worked out - I played in the NAQP RTTY this past weekend for about 6
hours and never had a problem or a stutter.  Once, the display of sent
text stopped briefly, but I could hear the transmitted data continuing,
and, sure enough, the display caught up after about a 2 second pause. 
I'm very pleased with mine, so far.  One question for you - since you're
more of a big CW contester rather than RTTY/digi, why not go for the
MicroKeyer?  Then stuttering wouldn't even be in the equation.

        73,  Duane

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 09:09:09 -0600 "Joe Wilkowski" <k8fc at k8fc.com>
> Folks, I have seen a number of comments on the use of the relatively 
> new Microham Digikeyer with WriteLog.  I don't believe I have seen 
> any comments on how well (if at all) it sends CW in conjunction with 
> the WL program.  I currently am using the W5XD/K5DJ Multikeyer with 
> the WL software and it works flawless (no stuttering).  I have to 
> upgrade the old computer in the shack and I am going to loose my 
> traditional serial ports in the process so the Microham Digikeyer 
> looked like a good (albeit pricey) choice to fill the bill.  Since 
> most of my contest operation is cw, this is a very important feature 
> to me. I will no longer be able to use the W5XD/K5DJ Multikeyer once 
> I convert to the Digikeyer.  Your comments are appreciated.
> Joe K8FC
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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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