[WriteLog] Networked Ops (long)

Steve Gorecki ve3cwj at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 27 11:00:05 EDT 2006

I'll have to side a bit with Ford in this topic. We had 3 stations (2A + 
GOTA) this weekend, and had continuing problems. All stations Win2k or XP 
pro, all hard-coded IP addresses

Physically, the "A" station was in the middle of the network, wired to the 
GOTA through a switch. Station "B" was at the other end via a wireless link. 
At times "B" could see GOTA log and vise versa, but no one could see the "A" 
station. This means the network integrity was ok, as one end could see the 
other end. The station right at the switch, "A" could not see the logs until 
we restarted WL. Other times, "B would get lost until he restarted WL. GOTO 
produced those "duplicate" QSOs that someone else already described...

Yes, RF could be a factor. A few years ago, we ran everything wired, and a 
lot of "bumps" due to RF, but WL recovered quickly in those cases, mostly on 
it's own.

In this field day, the CW ops were getting messed up by the 3 second or so 
delay while WL tried re-connects. This was unacceptable behaviour, we lost 
some contacts because of the recovery within WL. I know it is more likely a 
Mcrosoft networking issue (the delays), but any such delay should not affect 
the function keys of lockup of WL during the relink attempt.

My suggestion is to keep trying to fix this TCP netowrking problem, WL is 
good otherwise....but it needs some serious look-over of the netwoking code.


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