[WriteLog] MMTTY Problems

Lloyd S. Smith nx4w at cox.net
Thu Mar 2 19:31:55 EST 2006

I am sending a copy of the messages that appear below in the hopes of helping someone else.
Please try it and you may be pleasantly surprised.

I am glad to help.  I have put out this message before and I believe I have 
made at least 6 amateurs happy, but no one seems to want to send a copy of 
their happiness to the reflector.  There would probably be a lot more happy 
campers if they did.

73' Lloyd

> Thanks LLoyd. You're a genius!
> 73
> Ed


Yes of course you still use the plug-in, you just direct it to the full 
version directory when it asks where
MMTTY is located.  Just rename the MMTTY engine to something else so the 
plug-in doesn't see it in the Writelog directory and it will ask where it 
is.  Direct it to the MMTTY full version directory, which in my case is 
C:\program files\mmtty. The main problem I was having was that when the 
MMTTY window opened up, the rttyrite window would not stay open.  I have no 
idea why it  works, because there is no MMTTY engine in the full directory. 
I guess the full version of MMTTY knows that it only needs the engine part 
and that is all that runs.

73' Lloyd

> Lloyd, are you saying you do NOT use the plug in?
> I think quite a few of us would appreciate a more detailed explanation
> , perhaps step by step, that you did.
> 73
> Ed

I know this sounds crazy but it works.  I was having all kinds of trouble 
with the engine version of MMTTY and so I deleted the engine from the 
Writelog directory and did a full install of MMTTY in it's own directory and 
then when Writelog asked me for the path, I directed it to the full install 
directory and it has been working perfectly ever since.

Lloyd, NX4W

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <RWMaylott at aol.com>
To: <al9a at pobox.mtaonline.net>; <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] MMTTY plug in problem

>I have the same problem that Gary has (losing receive capability) and also
> have been unable to resolve it.  And I am using FSK.   Someone recently
> suggested uninstalling and then reinstalling the plug-in  which is about 
> the only
> thing I haven't tried as yet.  I do think it is a  Writelog and/or plug in
> problem, since MMTTY works fine as a stand alone.   It also works fine 
> running under
> DX4Win and N1MM.
>                    73, Dick, W2YE
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