[WriteLog] Red Bs, Xs, and freq reading errors

Tim Gardner n9lf at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 6 06:08:27 EST 2006


This problem is likely due to a setting on the radio. 
Go to the setup menu and check for a setting called
"CI-V Transceive".  You will likely find it turned on.
 Turn it off.

What happens when Transceive is On, is the rig is
constantly sending info to the CI-V buss (which WL
sees).  Occasionally, WL will pay attention to that
info, but miss the start of a data stream and
mis-interrpret the frequency.  When this occurs, WL
records a weird frequency.   With Transceive Off, WL
polls the rig when it needs an update. In this manner,
WL and the rig are in proper synchronization.

Note that if you have more than one rig and WL using
the CI-V connection (e.g., multiple rigs or the ICom
amplifier), you may not be able to run with Transceive
Off.  For most of us, that isn't a problem.

Tim - N9LF

--- DBellW6AQ at aol.com wrote:

> Because the readout of my frequency from the PRO III
> is sometimes incorrect  
> on the Writelog screen (using a microKEYER also
> incidentally), when I enter a  
> QSO, it's sometimes on a bizarre frequency like
> 486200 when it should be 
> 14185  for instance.  I can correct the frequency,
> but the red B stays, allowing  
> no points.  It is not an RFI problem.
> Also, for no known reason, a red X appeared next to
> a sequence #.   It's 
> probably in the Help file, but I can't find it.
> Is the "jittery" frequency a problem with the PRO
> III, Writelog, the  
> microKEYER, or the combination?  
> Any help will be appreciated.
> 73, Dave, W6AQ
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