[WriteLog] and RigExperts USB interface

Gerald Wilson gtwilson at integrity.com
Thu Mar 16 22:49:28 EST 2006


About 3+ months ago, there were several posts having to do with USB 
interfaces to use with WriteLog.  I have been surveying some of the various 
product offerings.  I have not seen many postings here or on E-Ham that 
commented on using WriteLog with the RigExperts interfaces.  (I also note 
that their website doesn't mention WriteLog.  I wanted ask the group what 
the collective experience has been.   Feel free to elaborate.

I was interested in this USB interface because it offers rig control, CW 
keying, FSK keying, and an AFSK interface for other digital modes, all in 
one package.  I am using an IC-756 Pro2.

Some questions to which I am interested in finding answers are:

*  Does it work well with WriteLog?   All modes?

*  Does it have any hardware compatibility problems?   Laptop issues?

*  How easy/difficult was it for you to set up?

*  Have you had to use customer support?   If so, why?

I want to thank you in advance for helping me sort out answers for my 
selection of a USB interface to use with WriteLog.


   Jerry    K7VIT

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