[WriteLog] and RigExperts USB interface

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Fri Mar 17 01:02:16 EST 2006

Hello Jerry,

Without a doubt USB multi-mode interfaces are fast becoming the modern way
to connect computers without legacy serial ports to the rig of choice. The
RigExpert you mentioned is one means and though I have not used one, I do
use the microKEYER by microHAM at www.microham-usa.com with WriteLog and the
Icom IC-PROIII. I have used mine for both some CW and RTTY in contests with
WriteLog since last summer, sorry I can not comment on SSB. The microKEYER
has been a great addition to my shack, the hardware is rock solid, the
interface cables are first class and each release of their connection
software offer more and more features. It supports all digital modes (even
two different digital programs at the same time, each with its own PTT or
FSK port), plus extras like DVK and as a bonus it can be turned on and
operated as a smart standalone CW keyer without the use of any computer if
you wish. 

You are right to ask about support. No matter what USB device you get it is
important to look for support and for sure you can not ask for a better from
both the users and company on the [microHAM] reflector. Like this [WriteLog]
reflector, the fellows there are more then willing to answer setup or
operating questions. As a suggestion have a browse on the microHAM website,
download the manual and have a look see.

The microKEYER works with WriteLog or even a WriteLog/MMTTY combination just
fine. MicroHAM include templates made for WriteLog to aid the new user
during setup or for the more advanced you can 'roll your own' custom

Good Luck,
Eric - VE3GSI

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Wilson


About 3+ months ago, there were several posts having to do with USB 
interfaces to use with WriteLog.  I have been surveying some of the various 
product offerings.  I have not seen many postings here or on E-Ham that 
commented on using WriteLog with the RigExperts interfaces.  (I also note 
that their website doesn't mention WriteLog.  I wanted ask the group what 
the collective experience has been.   Feel free to elaborate.

I was interested in this USB interface because it offers rig control, CW 
keying, FSK keying, and an AFSK interface for other digital modes, all in 
one package.  I am using an IC-756 Pro2.

Some questions to which I am interested in finding answers are:

*  Does it work well with WriteLog?   All modes?

*  Does it have any hardware compatibility problems?   Laptop issues?

*  How easy/difficult was it for you to set up?

*  Have you had to use customer support?   If so, why?

I want to thank you in advance for helping me sort out answers for my 
selection of a USB interface to use with WriteLog.


   Jerry    K7VIT

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