[WriteLog] USB Sound and Rig Interfaces

Irwin Darack irwindarack at comcast.net
Wed Nov 1 20:13:50 EST 2006


After multiple days of experimenting and un-answered emails to the Rig 
Expert User Group, I have never been able to get Rig Expert to work with 
Writelog. I consider myself a Writelog power user and very comfortable 
around technical issues. I have been able to get Rig Blaster to work, keying 
CW and RTTY with their connections. But, I have gone back to using Rig 
Blaster's Rig Runner with separate connections for Rig Control and CW keying 
(LPT port) as my Desktop computer can support all these configurations.

Please let me know if you find a solution for Rig Expert as it has turned 
out to be a very expensive toy sitting on my shelf. FYI - Don't expect any 
local support for Rig Expert for anything other than MixW software.

Good Luck, Irwin KD3TB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W7RY" <w7ry at centurytel.net>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:50 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] USB Sound and Rig Interfaces

> Has anyone had any particular experience with these interfaces below? If 
> so,
> how did they compare to a "Sound Blaster" type sound card in your PC?
> Microham DigiKeyer:
> http://www.microham-usa.com/Products/dk.html
> Rig Expert Plus:
> http://www.rigexpert.com/RigExpertPlus.html
> Thanks and 73
> Jim W7RY


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