[WriteLog] Writelog and CW

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Tue Nov 7 11:36:13 EST 2006

In a message dated 11/7/2006 10:47:59 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
BPARRY at RGV.RR.COM writes:

I have  been using Writelog for sometime on my old Pentium II 350 machine
with  Windows 98 SE. It works like a charm and I have no real  problems.
Unfortunately it appears like I may have to upgrade this computer  and use
Windows XP. I have looked through the archives and it looks like  this may
problematical! Is there a way that I can be sure that I can use  Writelog
with WinXP, or do I just have to pray, change to another logging  program...

I would rather not add stuff like a separate keyer.  

Bill, W5VX

WL works just fine with XP.  The only major difference is that it does  not 
support LPT keying.  I use a MicroHam CW Keyer as the interface  between WL and 
the computer.  It provides radio control and cw keying via  the computers USB 
port, and works slicker than a whistle!  The Microham CW  Keyer, and some of 
the other Microham products will provide the same or  more functionality.  Ck 
them out.
73, Geo...
George  Wagner, K5KG
941-400-1960  cell

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