[WriteLog] Writelog and CW

Tue Nov 7 12:16:01 EST 2006

Mike and George,

I wasn't going to put XP on the old computer; I was just going to buy a new
one. The reason that I was thinking about changing is that I have had a
networking problem that I think is going to be difficult to fix. It is also
really really slow in booting up my DXBase logging program...the data file
is many MB.

Computers are pretty cheap now so I thought it might be a good time to

I read about the MicroHam keyer and that is probably the best solution.
Maybe I'll get my wife to give me a new radio computer and keyer for Xmas.
It just sorta irritates me that I have to buy a fairly expensive keyer to
get this program to work right. It seems like that by this time the software
should work with all kinds of "work arounds" to get it to perform like
advertised. Nice to hear from you George, been a long time! I guess that I
just getting to be an old curmudgeon. :-) 

Bill, W5VX

>-----Original Message-----
>From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:writelog-
>bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike McCarthy, W1NR
>Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:48 AM
>To: Georgek5kg at aol.com; BPARRY at RGV.RR.COM
>Cc: writelog at CONTESTING.COM
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Writelog and CW
>A PII 350 may not run XP.  It may also have no or problematic USB hardware.
>Why do you think an upgrade is needed?
>Mike, W1NR
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <Georgek5kg at aol.com>
>Cc: <writelog at CONTESTING.COM>
>Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 11:36 AM
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Writelog and CW
>> In a message dated 11/7/2006 10:47:59 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>> BPARRY at RGV.RR.COM writes:
>> I have  been using Writelog for sometime on my old Pentium II 350 machine
>> with  Windows 98 SE. It works like a charm and I have no real  problems.
>> Unfortunately it appears like I may have to upgrade this computer  and
>> Windows XP. I have looked through the archives and it looks like  this
>> problematical! Is there a way that I can be sure that I can use  Writelog
>> with WinXP, or do I just have to pray, change to another logging
>> program...
>> I would rather not add stuff like a separate keyer.
>> Bill, W5VX
>> Bill,
>> WL works just fine with XP.  The only major difference is that it does
>> not
>> support LPT keying.  I use a MicroHam CW Keyer as the interface  between
>> WL and
>> the computer.  It provides radio control and cw keying via  the computers
>> USB
>> port, and works slicker than a whistle!  The Microham CW  Keyer, and some
>> of
>> the other Microham products will provide the same or  more functionality.
>> Ck
>> them out.
>> 73, Geo...
>> George  Wagner, K5KG
>> 941-312-9420
>> 941-400-1960  cell
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