[WriteLog] Setting up voice files

hank k8dd hank.kohl at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 19:41:12 EST 2006

Wow ..... Thanks for all the replies!
I've got Audacity and Goldwave downloaded - going to try both, but it sounds
like Audacity is the choice one.
Hopefully I'll have enough time to make a set of files by SS SSB .......

73 and Thanks again.
Hank    K8DD

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jamie Dupree NS3T" <ns3t at arrl.net>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 3:25 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Setting up voice files

> (I accidentally sent the first message too quick)
> K8DD asked about audio editors for voice files.  I use Audacity,
> which is a freeware program and a very good one.
> http://audacity.sourceforge.net/  is where you can get it.
> Yeah, it takes a little while to figure things out, etc., but it's much
> better than MS Sound Recorder.  Feel free to bother me with any
> questions about how to use it and setting up files.
> I hope to get on a decent amount next weekend for the SS SSB.
> My voice files have now grown to over 14,000 in total and are
> definitely ready for calling CQ Contest.  If you hear me on, give
> a listen to how all the calls, exchanges and more sound.  My mic
> is staying in the file cabinet forever!
> 73 Jamie NS3T
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