[WriteLog] Another BUG in WL 10.61E - Freeform Entry Field

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Fri Nov 17 22:18:33 EST 2006

Just before the CW SS, I discovered a major bug with the Freeform Entry Field behavior...

Once you enter the callsign, when you  type in the other station's QSO number, it does NOT get put into the correct field and the entry is QLF'd.

I abandoned any attempt to use the field in SS, and was hoping this would have been corrected in v10.61E which it is not.

The Freeform Entry Field allows more of a TRlog feel for those of us who migrated to WL.  It just needs to work correctly.

VERY IMPORTANTLY, a RE-Request from the one I made over a year ago to P-L-E-A-S-E extend the width of the Freeform Entry Field (so that we can see the entire SS Exchange at a glance on that one line).  There is plenty of screen real estate.  The ideal situation would be to make it user-configurable for user-desired width.

Tnx very much & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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