[WriteLog] MMTTY diddles with WriteLog

K0BX jduerbusch at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 17 22:00:54 EDT 2006

This is a bit off the subject of the problem that was on this thread.

But there are some that do not want the "diddles".  I don't want to 
start a thread on the merits of diddles or no diddles.  But just want to 
pass the writelog.ini line that will turn off/on diddles.

There is no entry in the writelog.ini as the default is on.  So to turn 
it off, you have to add the line to the Rttyrite section of the file.

See below.  diddle=0 no diddles
diddle=1 diddles.

the Diddle entry to zero tells Rttyrite to not diddle the transmit RTTY 
stream with NULL or LTRS characters when it has nothing to say. The 
default is that diddle is on.


Joe K0BX

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