[WriteLog] EZMaster SO2R USB Controller new batch available ...

HRS I4UFH i4ufh at hamradiosolutions.com
Mon Oct 23 18:45:01 EDT 2006

Starting from 25 October a new fresh batch of EZMaster from
Hamradiosolutions are available. EZMaster is the most proven advanced SO2R
Box, winning tool on the last CQWW CW for the 1st place world CT3EN (
CT1BOH ) and 1st place Europe CU2A ( OH2UA ) and selected from several team
at the last WRTC2006 in Brasil .

EZ Master is an USB Device that interface your PC with several devices in
your shack Radios, Antennas and Filters Switching, Microphone, Headphones.
USB controller for CW, SSB, AM, FM, and digital modes (RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and
many others).

Take a look at www.hamradiosolutions.com  for more details

Take a look at the User Manual at

Best 73 de I4UFH


Highlight Features :


single USB connection (advanced mode)
LPT an COM port for compatibility with "legacy software"
stand alone operation without computer
support for different radio
automatic operation on each radio and different modes
12 buttons and LCD display for fast access to the main function
compatible with all standard MS Windows based logging or control programs
compatibility with LPT port of DOS based log & contest loggers ( i.e CT, TR,
hardware solution, no special software to install only the USB drive
dual Power supply, USB and/or Power Supply to avoid computer failure


2 integrated radio ports CI-V, FIF-232, IF-232 or RS-232
speed up to 115200 Baud
complete supports for  Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec, Yaesu, Elcraft
ICOM open collector Radio Port
2 different Radio Port with separate insulation from USB port


supports separate PTT for each radio
programmable PTT assertion delay in 1ms steps for PA and LNA
programmable PTT assertion delay in 1ms steps for Radios
programmable Antenna Decoder PTT assertion delay in 1ms steps
automatic switching control between keying ports
each PTT line is insulated from ground, avoding ground loop between radios
relay isolated outputs for each PA and radios
TX/RX sequencer for Antenna Switch / PA / Radios indipendent for each Radios
optical isolation of all CW & FSK keying
smart keying lockouts for both radios (Band Decoder,PTT,Paddle,Radio Switch)
supports single footswitch operation
support Radio A/B switch footswitch for advanced SO2R function.
extended range Relay outputs for modern PA keying separately for each radio
spare A/B output for driving PA shared antenna relays


integrated classic CW generation K1EL WinKey
front panel speed knob
handles multiple CW sources: WinKey, COM / RS232 / LPT port with prority

AFSK / FSK Digital Mode

four transformers for DC isolation of sound card and radios
separate AFSK drive for each radio
stereo Input / Output 3.5" jack for Computer Sound Card
dual FSK output
baudot or ASCII character set ( optional FSK Board )
FSK speed 45, 50, 75, 110, 150 baud ( optional FSK Board )
data codes with 5/7/8 data bits and 1/1.5/2 stop bits ( optional FSK Board )
integrated hot switch protection
Internal setting for Microphone Muting


front panel hand/desktop microphone foster 8 pin circular connector
front panel Heil microphone jack
Internal selection of Microphone type ( Yaesu / ICOM / Kenwood / TenTec )
Internal selection for dynamic microphones power supply
Hardware Digital Voice Keyer with seven messages up to 75 seconds
High Quality Digital Voice Keyer chip with equalizer and internal level
On Fly Digital Voice Keyer recording


two front panel headphones jacks for 2 operators, ( i.e. split / iso
operation )
hardware and software support for independent receive audio selection
user selectable "delayed" headphone switching (1ms steps)
easy front panel audio button  RadioA/SPLIT/RadioB, and SO2R function
unique left/right software selection capabilities for Advanced Mode


32 output ports (16 for each radios) user configurable
all output are sink capable 150ma each
parallel Band Data decoded output for driving External Band Decoder (RadioA)
internal plug in Relay board up to 1A each output.  ( optional )
sink or source selection on Relay Board  ( optional )
software configurable output for easy programming


Three operating mode ( Standard/Extended/Advanced )
Easy navigation menu
backup battery RAM for saving all parameters
all parameters are stored inside memory and reloaded after power up
I/O lines are filtered for maximum RFI immunity with ferrite/caps/ferrite
aluminum case, silk screened and polycarbon front label
standard minidin connectors for easy homemade user cables wiring
upgradable firmware for easy upgrade
Windows 98/2000/XP/2003, Mac OSx, Linux Driver
Complete set of command and notification for easy software integration
CE & FCC tested and marked

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