[WriteLog] RTTY SO2R Basics

K3MQ k3mq at bwave.com
Mon Sep 4 17:55:24 EDT 2006

I'm considering going SO2R for RTTY contesting. I've read enough info online
to get totally confused regarding hardware.

I now have a IC-756 ProII using a Microkeyer interface into an XP computer.
I have rig control and am using FSK. Software is Writelog. Antennas are quad
for 10-20m and a multband windom.

I will probably get a 756 or 756 Pro I for second unit (can't live without
band scope). I will probably use a different multiband wire to get started
with second rig.

I want to run FSK on second radio with rig comtrol. I should be able to
select antennas directly on radios without external switcher since I am not
sharing any antennas.

I intend to only use SO2R for rtty, no other modes, and I want to use just
one computer.

The question is, what additional hardware do I need? Is a second interface
(MicroKeyer) needed? That is the point of confusion. I presume I need two
soundcards, but how does the signal get from the second soundcard to the
second rig without a second interface?

We are on a budget here, and adding the new Microkeyer SO2R controller at
$700 is out of the question.

73  Bob K3MQ

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