[WriteLog] WriteLog and RixExpert

DieselCar at aol.com DieselCar at aol.com
Sat Sep 9 21:22:10 EDT 2006

Hi Rudy,
I do not have a definitive answer relative to WL and RigExpert  Combo.  
However,  I have my CAT Control and demodulator on COM4 and  COM5.  
Load WRITELOG.INI File,  scroll down to [PORTS] and ComSlot3=4 or what  every 
port RigExpert.  But what I read,  I think that RigExpert looks  for a 
For my operation,  I added the last two lines under {PORTS]:
When I enable PORTS under WL, I see COM1,  COM2,   COM4, and COM5.
Gud luck and see ya.
Rick W4UEF 
In a message dated 9/9/2006 5:58:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
r_bakalov at yahoo.com writes:

Hello  all,

I searched the archive of this list and could  not find a complete answer to 
my problem. I am trying to make WL work with RE  to no avail. One of the 
problems is that WL would only work with COM ports 1  thru 4. The second problem is 
that I am not sure which of the 3 ports created  by RE should be used for 
what purpose. So if anyone is using WL and RE I would  very much appreciate the 
details of your configuration. I am sure many will  benefit from such info.

Interesting enough, the RE  group on Yahoo! could not asnwer the same 
question either.

Thanks, Rudy  N2WQ


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