[WriteLog] CQP county abbreviations

Rob k6rb at baymoon.com
Thu Sep 14 22:47:13 EDT 2006

NOTICE - the Northern California Contest Club changed the county abbreviations for its 58 counties in the upcoming CQP (October 7 and 8). If you have any version, except for a "full install" of the latest version, you will have an outdated and incorrect "namedmul.ini" file. To replace it with the correct one, go to WriteLog.com, and the downloads tab, and scroll down to "Namedmul12Jun2006.zip." That's the file you want in your WriteLog/Programs folder. If you upgrade to 10.60, you will not automatically have that file. So, you need to download it and replace the one that's in there, now.

Rob K6RB

CU in the California QSO Party (CQP), Oct 7-8

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