[WriteLog] SO2R.. sort of

Bruce Meier bemeier at bellsouth.net
Mon Sep 18 11:42:45 EDT 2006


Sounds interesting...but - the S in SO2R is for SINGLE operator.   What  you
are setting up is closer to a multi-two with lockouts.  I have never heard
of this, nor does it comply with SINGLE OP classifications for contest
entry.   You would be forced to submit your entry as muti-op so why worry
about lockouts?

Bruce - N1LN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick Mintz" <Rmintz at Rochester.rr.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 11:06
Subject: [WriteLog] SO2R.. sort of

> Hi gang,
> I can't find a specific reference to this in the WL manual so here
> We want to set up a SO2R arrangement for contesting but using two
operators, two radios, two sets of antennas and two networked computers.
Each radio needs to be able to lock out the other from transmitting and
signal (somehow) when each particular radio is free to transmit.
> Anyone know of how to do this or the source of a diagram for
> Thanks
> Rick W1TY
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