[WriteLog] Laptop Selection - Soundcard

Richard Thorne rmthorne at cox.net
Sat Sep 23 10:20:11 EDT 2006

I'm shopping for a new laptop.  I nornally use Dell's at my office for all 
kinds of reasons, but unfortunately all the Dells that I've been able to 
test do not pass the mic audio to the speaker output test.  I like to 
connect my headset mic to the soundcard so that I can make changes to my 
recordings on the fly.

Are there any laptops out there that will pass the mic audio to the speaker 
output test?  I know the Fujitsu's do, at least the models I've used at 

Also from a price standpoint, are Celeron processor's ok with witelog.  This 
is going to be a ham radio only lap top and won't be used heavily from a 
processor stand point.

Rich - N5ZC

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