[WriteLog] YT6A in CQWW RTTY

Andrei Nevis v49a at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 25 21:25:17 EDT 2006

  Please explain more detailed, I did not understand, sorry.
  I found that new WL file.
  What means "ordinarily" would?
  What should I do?
  To replace what and where?
  Thank you
  73's Andrei EW1AR-NP3D

Bob Schreibmaier <k3ph at ptd.net> wrote:
  Dear Berkin and the rest of the WriteLog list,

First of all, many thanks to Chris, SP5KP, who
came up with the solution.

The first thing is to replace the wl_cty.dat
file with the latest one, which has Montenegro
listed as one of the countries and convert CTY
file as you ordinarily would. Wl_cty.dat may
be found here:


Then, go back into your log and find your QSOs
with YT6A. Edit the callsign to something else,
say UT6A. Then, go back and edit the callsign
back to YT6A. WriteLog will now change the
country to Montenegro.

Thanks again, Chris. You are one smart man!


Berkin AYDOGMUS, TA3J wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I use Writelog 10.61E. I worked YT6A. I have same
> problem. 
> Could you help me please?
> 73,
> Berkin, YM125ATA (TA3J)
> TA3YJ QSL Service:
> http://www.geocities.com/qslservice/ta3yj
> ---
> --- Bob Schreibmaier wrote:
>> Our station worked YT6A in CQWW RTTY from
>> Montenegro.
>> Unfortunately, I didn't realize we had an old
>> wl_cty.dat
>> file. We downloaded the latest one, and did the
>> convert
>> to WriteLog, but YT6A still comes out as Serbia.
>> What do I need to do to have WriteLog change this to
>> Montenegro? FWIW, this is WriteLog version 10.61E.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> 73,
>> Bob
>> K3PH
> Winners never quit, Quitters never win
> P.O. Box 987 35214 Izmir-TURKEY
> http://www.qsl.net/ta3j
> ta3j at yahoo.com
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| Bob Schreibmaier K3PH | E-mail: k3ph at ptd.net |
| Kresgeville, PA 18333 | http://www.dxis.org |

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BEST 73'S 
  WAS RTTY #455

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