[WriteLog] Setting Up WinKey

Gary Senesac AL9A al9a at pobox.mtaonline.net
Sat Sep 30 18:52:23 EDT 2006

>From the Writelog Help Manual under [PORTS]:

There are 4 "slots" available for WriteLog rig interfacing. By default, 
CommSlot1 is COM1:, but you can change that by changing the number on the 
right of the equal sign. These settings are not used for RTTY or for packet
In this example, the third and fourth slots are on COM7 and COM8. COM15 is 
as high as is supported.

Add the above CommSlot= lines to the [PORTS] section of your writelog.ini 
file.Gary AL9A----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph Young" <jwyoung at cybertrails.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: September 28, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Setting Up WinKey

>I want to setup WinKey with WriteLog. I have available  COM ports 7
> and 8.
> Writelog offers  COM ports 1 through 4 for CW assignment.
> How do I get around this?
> Thanks and 73 de Joe/W6RLL
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