[WriteLog] N8S

Mike McCarthy, W1NR lists at w1nr.net
Thu Apr 5 11:42:52 EDT 2007

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> At 08:34 PM 4/4/2007, K0BX wrote:
>> Thank Jim for the update.  But in my version of WL it displays the
>> correct country but does not give the beamheading?  I checked the .dat
>> file and there was the log/lat.
>> Has anyone else had that problem?
> Yes, Steve AI9T detected the problem yesterday and I noticed it 
> today.  I sent Wayne a note, could be a bug in Writelog.  Probably 
> because it's a 1x1 call, but that's just a guess on my part.
> If you have packet, SH/D N8S or SH/H N8S (or try KH8SI instead of 
> N8S) should show the beam heading.
> 73 - Jim AD1C
Actually, the packet cluster needs to have the latest country file 
loaded to recognize N8S.  I assume that the vast majority are not yet up 
to date so KH8SI would work better in those cases.

Mike, W1NR
DXSpider at dx.w1nr.net

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