[WriteLog] Writelog with IC706 Mrk 2 and K1NU interface cable

ukbrown at acsol.net ukbrown at acsol.net
Sat Aug 4 09:58:48 EDT 2007

This has been a bad expersience for me with the above set

I have tried all combinations and I still cant get the freq
to read out properly nor for it to send cw properly.

Not sure if its in the interface cable or in the writelog
ini file.
 Its giving me a odd freq. or no freq at all and the when I
turn the dial to tune a freq no read out plus the cw is

What I need to know is the set up of the ini file in WL  and
in the IC706Mrk 2 main menu. 

Plus what is the connection hook up from the IC706 as far as
the connecting to the serial port.  From what I can tell by
looking in the connector end of the K1NU interface coming
out of the IC706 it runs to a small board with some
transistor and a resistor. Is this just the cw circuit or is
it used with interface of data. 

This is where I think the problem lies some where in these

 I have tried all suggestions and it just wont read out the
freq and wont send cw properly. I could live with out the
freq read out.  I can set that manually but this darn choppy
cw is the pits...not satisfied at all..thanks to all who
made suggestions. If you happen to know how to fix this
before the NAQP contest please either call my cell
970-778-9900 please.. PTL bill K0UK
Oh I got another complete tower computer and its still wont
work...250 for what..hmmmm

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