[WriteLog] Belkin F5U409 Question.

James M. Galm jgalm at layerzero.com
Thu Feb 15 02:10:52 EST 2007

Lots of good discussion, but no success so far.  


Ric, KV1W, asked about the possibility that FT1kMP is looking for DTR or
some other handshake signal.  According to the FT1kMP schematic, the only
two signals on the CAT connector that are active are TXD(3) and RXD(2), with
GND on (5).  DTR(4), DSR(6) and DCD (1) are all connected to each other in
the FT1kMP, as are RTS(7) and CTS(8).  Incidentally, TXD is an input and RXD
is an output, making the FT1kMP wired as a DCE (modem) device.  That allows
us to connect the CAT connector to PC serial ports, which are all wired as
DTE (terminal) devices, with a straight, pin-to-pin DB-9 cable.  No null
modem is required.  


Mike, W1NR, suggested adding a COM4:=4800,n,8,2 (my Belkin F5U409 is COM4:,
FT1kMP wants 4800 bits/sec) record in the [PORTS] section of the
writelog.ini file, to encourage WriteLog to set the Belkin F5U409 up for two
stop bits.  The WriteLog HELP says that to modify the serial ports used for
rig control, the setup record needs to go in a section named [RIGS].  My
writelog.ini file did not have a section named [RIGS], so I added one and
put COM4:=4800,n,8,2 in both the [PORTS] and [RIGS] sections.  Rig control
still did not function.  


Gary, K7OX mentioned that although he could see his Belkin F5U409 as COM3:
in Device Manager, he received error messages that the port was in use.  I
suspect that some other program is finding the Belkin F5U409 on COM3: and
allocating it, thereby making it unavailable to WriteLog.  Look for any kind
of modem control program, terminal program, PDA sync background program, or
anything else that might snarf up a com port without asking first.  


When I get a chance, I'm going to analyze the bit stream that is coming out
of my Belkin F5U409 and compare it to a native com port bit stream, to see
what's really going on.  


73, Jim, W8WTS.  

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