[WriteLog] writelog installation sub directories

ve2lx ve2lx at sympatico.ca
Sun Feb 18 22:54:32 EST 2007

It is impossible to have a proper answer from writelog, Don and the person who wrote the software....(almost never available)
Don the representative dought that the Writelog software do not let us to choice where to install certain sub directories.

I sent to him a copy of my writelog ini file showing that the (audio recording and contest sub directories) was installed in my documents directories.....?.
I tried to change that and it unstabilised WL so I had to let it as it was.
Here is where it was installed and I could'nt do nothing to change that.
<<<   Location=C:\Documents and Settings\gilles\My documents\WriteLog\AudioRecording\   >>>
<<<   DataFiles=C:\Documents and Settings\gilles\My documents\WriteLog\contest\   >>>  

I explaned to Don that this create confusion about what is where and to look for some informations but he did'nt care after 4 month.

Is this happended also to someone about the way WL installed sub directories in his document directories or in a very abnormal directories...?

Gilles   ve2lx

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