[WriteLog] Writelog and SDR-1000

Philip Theis phil at k3tuf.com
Sun Jan 7 22:20:50 EST 2007

Two of us are experiencing an identical interface anomaly with the above
mentioned products.  Hopefully someone on one of these reflectors can offer
some constructive advice as to the resolution.

We are using WL 10.61E and PowerSDR v1.6.3 and v1.9.0
The systems are set for VHF and UHF bands 50-10368MHz
Comport offset is zero
PowerSDR is set to the actual frequency using the XVTR screen
If you select the band/frequency from PowerSDR, WL follows just fine
If you set the frequency from WL PowerSDR follows fine up to the 903 band
Above 903, if you select a band from WL the frequency on WL momentarily
shows the new band, but after about a second reverts back to 903.
Has anyone seen this, or can offer a suggestion?

In addition, it is impossible to select 10368 or 24192 from Writelog.
Writelog responds with 1036 or 2419 bands instead.  This is not good.

Any ideas?

Phil K3TUF

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