[WriteLog] Help, Please: Directory Confusion?

Rick Tavan N6XI rtavan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 23:48:20 EST 2007

Thanks, Don. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be my problem. When I run
wlini.exe, it asks me if I want to convert from writelog.ini to use the
Registry. This implies that I am still using writelog.ini which is as
desired. Furthermore, the list of files recently used is being saved
correctly in writelog.ini. But I'm losing Setup Ports and window sizing info
across restarts. Yes, I try to force persistence using Save File and
Setup/Save Configuration. But it keeps reverting to some old, strange layout
and Setup/ports info.

/Rick N6XI

On 1/16/07, Don Cassel <ve3xd at rogers.com> wrote:
> Rick,
> Go to the Writelog archives
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/WriteLog/ and search for
> registry.
> One entry in particular that may help is.
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/WriteLog/2006-07/msg00101.html
> 73, Don VE3XD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Rick Tavan N6XI
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:27 AM
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] Help, Please: Directory Confusion?
> I give up. I've spent two hours trying to get set up for my 2007 general
> logging using WL and I'm FUBAH. Can someone please help me or point me to
> the right place to RTFM? I've looked through the Help files and the K9JY
> site but haven't found solace.
> I have been operating with the latest (to me) version of WL in the silly
> directory location c:\ham. That was the WL convention years ago. At some
> point, I installed an update that put itself into the Redmond-approved
> location c:\Program Files\Writelog. (The install process doesn't let you
> specify this explicitly - it has something to do with whether you are
> installing an update or a full release. I can't find an explanation of
> what
> this really means with respect to program files, data files and
> directories.) Years later, I installed a version that landed in c:\ham
> again. So my current status is program files in c:\ham and data files in
> c:\Program Files\Writelog\Contest. It is silly but it was all working so I
> didn't try to fix it.
> Today I archived my 2006 log and attempted to set up a blank log for 2007.
> Since general logging is poorly supported, my logs from prior years were
> painstakingly defined, field by field, each year. I finally got it close
> to
> correct in 2006. So this time I attempted to make a copy of my 2006 log,
> rename it to 2007 and delete all the old QSOs.  This seemed to work for
> the
> QSO data but now I have the following problems:
>    - The size and location of my main WL window is not retained across
>    program restarts.
>    - The Setup Ports definitions are not retained across Setup Save
>    Configuration, File Save and program restart.
> I would feel like less of an idiot if I knew where these things were
> saved.
> I thought it was in Writelog.ini but apparently that no longer persists
> properly. I suspect there is some other repository for config file names
> and
> paths that I don't know about. Can anyone help?
> Thanks & 73,
> /Rick N6XI
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