[WriteLog] sdr1000 and Writelog critique

FireBrick w9ol at billnjudy.com
Sun Jun 10 18:07:42 EDT 2007

I can only give you my short critique using the SDR1000, 100 watts, with 
Writelog, in the ANARTS contest.
First off.
VCom setup

Writelog Ports setup
Com 3 Kenwood
All mode PTT on CW Port RTS
MMTTY module with
Com 4 as the Writelog Keying Port

Enabled CAT on Com 6
PTT Control Enabled on com 9
ID as a Kenwood TS-2000

Sorry, I've done a LOT of rtty contesting, and I had some serious problems.

I got it going, it took a bit of com port management.
Running Writelog with the MMTTY module.

First problem
Trying to get the DIGL passband set right.
I really had to get the passband narrow, so I could 'grab' the frequency 
grid screen and move the signal blip and be within the MMTTY tuning window.
I quickly found that having the Panadaptor Zoom at 4X made that a lot 
easier. In fact it made it real easy, hand/eye coordination improved and 
almost always had the signal in the MMTTY tuning markers. That speeded up 
matters considerably...

Ended up using VAR1 with a low of -2504 and high of -1958. Need someone with 
math skills to tell me if that will result in a signal being close to the 
normal MMTTY mark/space.

Technique improved as I made contacts.

Second problem (only in v1.80)
Intermittent problem of PWSDR not going back to receive at the end of a WL 
message buffer.
not always, just sometimes.
Not RFI related as I got it down to just a couple of watts to test that 
KW <> 5 watts, no difference.
Couldn't make it do it, couldn't stop it.

But.. I switched to v1.90 SVN 1233
No more hangups, kw <> 5 watts, didn't happen again the rest of the test.
I will closely compare settings between the two versions to see if I can 
spot a setting that's different.

Good news,
even though conditions were not special...even a teeny signal blip on the 
panadaptor was usually printable and copyable.
That's big....for a contester, being able to print the weak ones, during a 
Search&Pounce session is good.

It will take a few more digital contests for a real shakeout, but I was 
always a two handed rtty contester.
One hand for the keyboard and the other hand worked the 'should I dare say 
Having to use a mouse, back and forth across two monitors so I could tune 
the station and then fine tune the mark/space in the MMTTY tuning module.
In a crowded rtty contest, this would be very tough...
Must be a better way of doing it...maybe hook up the 'griffin'.

I experimented with the right click, crosshairs on a panadaptor blip, that 
worked, you still may have to tweak the signal in the MMTTY tuning module to 
be right on.

I actually got pretty quick. Not quick enough to try 'running', maybe next 

but it was a good learning experience...and I was very encouraged.
a lot depended on PWSDR and the SDR1000 being a WL compatible system.

After getting the hang of it...I'm very very encouraged...that SDR5000 looks 
like it will work out. Are there plans for a 2 kw model???? <wink>
life it too short of qrp!

"This tagline protected by an attack cat."

Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at
weather at http://hhweather.webhop.org

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