[WriteLog] Writelog & ANARTS Cabrillo

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 11 11:31:01 EDT 2007

Hi Dick,

I had the same error message and simply ignored it and update to the
Cabrillo file still seemed to take without a hitch.

My score of 2,213,380 has been sent off to the officials at ANARTS.
Conditions here were not great especially on 80 meters and 40 meters with a
passing of a major cold weather front leaving in its wake a lot of
electrical storm activity. Twice I heard Phil on twenty meters, once he was
so weak I could not tell if he was calling CQ or answering one and the
second time I was not able to work him as he was calling a European station
that I could not even hear.

Dick, thanks for the Q and for everyone my log has already be uploaded to

de Eric - VE3GSI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dick-w0raaANARTS Cabrillo
> As an addendum to Phil's advice, I offer the following.  I 
> went to the site 
> Phil mentioned and downloaded the ANARTS Cabrillo Fix file.  
> When I went to 
> install it, I came up with an error.  Basically it said that the file 
> DXPREF32.dll was not present.  I looked in my Writelog 
> Programs folder and 
> the file was there.  So, I copied the file and added it to my 
> WINNT folder 
> where my writelog.ini file resides.  I then tried another 
> install of the 
> fix.  A second error message stating that wlogsh32.dll was 
> not fould.  I did 
> the same thing that I did with the first file.  Another 
> attempt to install 
> the fix went successfully and I can now click on Contest and Create a 
> Cabrillo file.
> I send this just to keep otheer from having to go through the 
> inconvenience 
> (albeit a small inconvenience) to get the file installed.
> 73,
> Dick

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