[WriteLog] 10.62H %Z and Network gab issues

Hal Kennedy halken at comcast.net
Thu Jun 14 12:57:12 EDT 2007

Been a while since I have actively followed the updates – but got back at it
last night and put 10.62H on two machines – both running WIN2K.  Network is

When linked, packet works across the network and the frequency window shows
properly across the network, however, network gab does not work.  With the
cursor in the network gab box, typing does not appear on either computers
gab box.  I suspect if I can get the computer I am typing on to add text to
its gab box the other will follow.

Also, %Z in CW seems to not work as described.  In SO2R (two radios hooked
to one computer), %Z returns the frequency of the radio in the lower entry
box.  It also sends “KHZ” at the end – I thought this was going to be
deleted – CW ops have no use for it – others can add it into the message if
they need/want it.  %Z1 returns no frequency and %Z2 also returns no
frequency.  Networked, with the “Networked Frequencies” box showing the
network correctly, %ZA returns no frequency as does %ZB.

I wonder if I am the only one having these problems?


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