[WriteLog] Cabrillo for SPDX RTTY ?

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Mon May 7 10:34:49 EDT 2007

The new module is exactly what I needed - thanks for finding it. My 
log has been sent and accepted.  And also a big thanks to SM6WRW for 
providing it.

Jerry W4UK

At 08:36 AM 4/30/2007, Eric - VE3GSI wrote:

>GM Jerry (and those fellows following this post),
>Your direct reply to me jogged my memory about the SM6SRW Module. So for the
>benefit of all, I will append to the original post.
>In short, I forgot that I am using a newer SM6SRW module then the one posted
>on the W/L and RTTYcontesting webpages. I believe this newer module has all
>the fixes that relate to the Cabrillo generator problems.
>Perhaps Ron and Wayne could post this newer link on the third-party support
>If someone knows of a newer SM6WRW module please pass along the information.
>73 Eric - VE3GSI.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Eric - VE3GSI
> >
> > Hi Jerry,
> >
> > I am using v.10.62H and here it does generate a Cabrillo file
> > for the SPDX 'test. I did have to a very minor edit for the
> > category and header to match what was suggested on their
> > web-site. The file has been sent in, so far no bounce so I
> > guess everything is OK.
> >
> > By-the-way, many thanks for your contest Q's you always have
> > good signal in this neck of the woods.
> >
> > 73 Eric.
> > ve3gsi at canada.com
> >
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Jerry Flanders
> > >
> > > My WL doesn't show Cabrillo file output for this one.
> > >
> > > Is it just me?
> > >
> > >
> > > Jerry W4UK

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