[WriteLog] Fw: Comments on BS7H 30mtr QSO's

John Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Tue May 15 07:15:37 EDT 2007

On May 14, 2007, at 9:21 PM, Dave W7DPW wrote:

> My QSO on 30 meters showed up in the OnLine Log today. So, I guess  
> that
> my QSO was with the real thing.  I know of one other station, whose  
> 30M
> QSO was also added to the OnLineLog today.
> Don't know what  to say or to figure.

There was one .bin file of 1500 17- and 30-meter contacts that didn't  
initially merge correctly with the logs. That's now been corrected, I  
understand from The Daily DX.


John Bastin, K8AJS
bastinj at gmail.com

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