[WriteLog] [Fwd: Re: Starting over again as a fetus]

Garry Shapiro garry at ni6t.com
Tue May 22 02:19:11 EDT 2007


Nothing happened to LPT1, It is a true parallel port with IO addresses,  
and it is listed in Device Manager as being enabled. LPT2 was skipped, 
despite my having selected it for the legacy printer, and that port is 
LPT3. This seems to be a common occurrence, judging by past emails on 
the subject. Perhaps it is worth noting that LPT3 comes from a PCI card 
and no resources a la LPT1 are listed in Device Manager.

For LPT1, the IO addresses in Device Manager are the expected 378-37F 
and the unexpected 778-77B. For the hell of it, I added the latter to 
DirectIO---no difference. Does DirectIO require specifying IRQ and 
memory locations?

I am now wondering whether or how to retry this whole process.

Garry, NI6T

Dave Hachadorian wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Garry Shapiro" <garry at ni6t.com>
> To: "Writelog reflector" <writelog at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 9:08 AM
> Subject: [WriteLog] Starting over again as a fetus
>> The second parallel port,
>> LPT3, drives a legacy HP LJ4M printer under either
>> utility, but the LPT
>> choices in the WL Setup window remain gray and
>> unavailable. I have
>> entered the standard IO ranges in both utilities (3bc-3bf,
>> 278-27f.378-37f) and in DirectIO I have added IRQ 5 & 7,
>> and a path to
>> Writelog. No joy. No, I do not run both utilities
>> simultaneously.
>> The only difference I can note between the two computer
>> setups is that
>> this one uses XP Pro. So the question arises--does XP Pro
>> unconditionally preclude access to the parallel ports, or
>> is something
>> else going on here? If the latter, what might it be?
> My XP Pro works with DirectIO, but not Userport.
> Suggestions:
> Check the LPT resource assignments: control panel / system /
> hardware / device manager / ports / LPT / printer /
> resources.  What happened to LPT 1?
> Try addressing only one LPT port at a time.
> Use K2QMF's Directio procedure, if you're not already:
> 1 - Open the Direct I/O control panel.
> 2 - In the I/O Ports Tab enter the BEGIN and END address.
>      For LPT1 it is  378  and  37A.
> 3 - Click ADD button ( This is the step they left out)..
> 4 - Go to the SECURITY Tab
> 5 - Click BROWSE button and locate writelog directory.
> 6 - From there locate writelog\Programs\WriteL32.exe and
> click OPEN
> 7 - Click ADD.
> 8 - Close Control Panel...
> Good Luck!
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> .

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