[WriteLog] How to Set Band Map edges?

Al Burnham (K6RIM) k6rim at pacbell.net
Tue Nov 20 00:25:50 EST 2007


Is there a way to set the band map edges?

Can find nothing about this in the normal sources, including the 
Writelog Reflector.

This question was previously asked on the reflector (see below), but 
I could find no answer.

The question was:

With the new band frequencies on 80 & 40, how do you change the frequency edge
of the bandmap from the present setting for 80 & 40 meters.
I setup the bands for the new frequencies but they do not change.
Could not find anything in the ini files related to this!

southern at arklanet.com (Jim Cheatham AF5P)

Can anyone help?

With thanks and 73,


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