[WriteLog] Switching relays from contest software

Rick Mintz Rmintz at Rochester.rr.com
Wed Nov 28 19:10:06 EST 2007

Hi gang,

I have a 3 element 40 meter parasitic vertical array. The radiation patterns on this system are controlled by a series of matching networks, switched by mechanical relays. The switchbox is in my shack.


I would like to activate the available patterns from either Writelog or N1MM buy sensing the calculated beam heading for each country as it is entered into the QSO entry field.


Both programs will display the short path route to a DXCC entity. Any ideas on how I could access this heading information to activate relays?


For example: A heading of

0 to 90 degrees = pattern 1 

91 – 180 = Omni pattern

181 – 270 = pattern 2

Rick W1TY

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