[WriteLog] FT2000 and DXBase/Writelog

Bill Parry bparry at rgv.rr.com
Wed Oct 3 21:38:51 EDT 2007

I have had a couple of inquiries regarding how I came out with getting my
FT2000 to play nicely with DXBase and Writelog. Since I am obviously NOT
very computer literate, I had a lot of help from Ken, N5TY and W9WM. Frankly
without these to very kind fellows, I probably would not have been able to
do anything at all.

I hope they don't mind my mentioning them or all the help that they gave to

I am going to include the information that I used to get my radio to talk to
my computer in hopes that I can help someone else. So that you know what
computer I am using - it is a Dell XPS 410. It had no serial ports so I had
to install one. It replaces the computer that I lost to a lightning strike.
See the remainder of the text that I sent to a couple of other guys. The
only thing that you won't have is the radio.ini file. If you want that file
I will send it to you directly.

You need to add the FT2000 to the radio.ini file in DXBase. I will send you
a copy of my radio.ini file and you can just save it over the top of your
old radio.ini file or if you like you can move your radio.ini file someplace
for safekeeping.

I still had some difficulty in getting mine to work at first, (I am not too
computer savvy!) so you need to make sure that the serial port and the
program both are set to use the same configuration. Mine is set for 4800
Baud, "8" word length, parity "none", and "2" stop bits. Also I have the
following boxes checked - Connect HF radio 1 serial interface, DTR High, and
RTS High. No check on CTS. (This is in the Tools/Options/Radio1 window of

I also checked the serial port (4 on my computer) and made the DXBase info
match. To do this go to the desktop and right click on "My computer" then
properties/hardware/device manager/ports. Pick the serial port you are going
to use and double click it. Go to settings and be sure that the parameters
match what you have selected in DXBase. There is one extra item at the
bottom and I selected "Hardware".

For Writelog, you can select FT9000 as your radio, and make sure all the
parameters match. Once DXBase worked, Writelog came on line easily. 

One final thing that I figured out. If you have been using that comport for
anything else, you may have to reboot your computer because sometimes other
software doesn't release the port. 

A couple of other things. Your radio may need to have a firmware update
(mine is less than a month old and it did). I ordered the special cable to
use but if you don't mind taking the radio apart, you can use a regular
serial cable. If so, go to:


There is a cool little program to save all of those settings (which
automatically disappear when you do an update. If you are interested go to:


Remember that you need to reboot if you change the use of the serial cable -
at least I did.

On the Heil website there are some audio settings for the FT2000. Go to:

This is basically all I know. Thank heavens for some nice guys that helped
me through all this.I would have never figured it out on my own!
Incidentally, the FT2000 is a very nice radio with a real nice RX and it
actually cost me less than the FT1000MP that it replaced.

Remember, you need the radio.ini file for DXBase to work. (I hope I didn't
make too many typing errors in this.)

Bill, W5VX

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