[WriteLog] Vista & Com Ports

AC0W ac0w at charter.net
Fri Oct 12 14:29:44 EDT 2007


I will have to verify this when I get home but if I remember correctly the CommSlot command goes into the RIG portion of the INI file as it is strictly related to communications to the rig. In this same section (RIG) is where you put the COM parameters for the rig, i.e. COM6=4800,n,8,2 etc.

Writelog by default assigns the rig communication ports through the COMMSLOT command. By default these are COM1-COM4, i.e. COMMSLOT1=1, COMMSLOT2=2. etc. Unfortunatelyl the default settings do not show up in the INI file so it is difficult to find where to put them.

The below email is incorrect about redirecting COM3 items to COM5, as COM3 is usuable for other purposes, in that example.

In my set-up the rigs are on COM5 and COM6. I have COMMSLOT1=5 and COMMSLOT2=6. This now allows me to use COM1 & COM2 for other items, which I am doing. Not being in the shack I don't remember what is on those ports, but that isn't important for this.


---- Gary Senesac AL9A <al9a at mtaonline.net> wrote: 
Writelog will always show Com1, Com2, Com3, and Com4.  The CommSlot3=5 
command in the .ini file does not change this on the Writelog Setup Ports 
screen.  It merely instructs Writelog to use Com5 as though it were Com3. 
Since the slot is still not working I suspect it is something in Vista.  I'm 
still running XP so can't offer any Vista help.  Have you checked the Device 
Manager (or whatever Vista calls it) to see how your Com5 and Com6 are 
configured?  Sorry I can't be more help.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sunflower" <mrtoburen at sunflower.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: October 11, 2007 6:28 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Vista & Com Ports

> Does anyone have a solution / recommendation to solve my problem?
> I downloaded 10.63 and have read all of the reflector, the help file, and 
> other references on this subject but I can not get Setup Ports to 
> recognize Com5 and 6.  I am running Vista.  I made changes to the 
> Writelog.ini file in C:windows to:
> [Ports]
> CommSlot3=5
> CommSlot4=6
> [Report]
> Call=AA0FO
> [Multipliers]
> CallPrefix=AA0FO
> Location=C:hamPrograms
> [Install]
> Directory=C:ham
> [Configuration]
> DataFiles=c:hamcontest
> WaveFileLocation=c:hamWaveFiles
> RecordingLocation=c:hamAudioRecording
> [Summary]
> MultNames=Sec,Dx,ITU,DX,Mul,Zn,St,Grid,ZN,MUL,Ca,Co,Pref,HQ,Sta,Prov,DXCC
> QsoNames=QSO,CW,PH,RT
> [GreatCircleLookups]
> RussianDX=cty_rus.bin
> NA_cty=NA_cty.bin
> VK_cty=VK_cty.bin
> However, when I start up Writelog and click on Setup > Ports, I still get 
> the default Com Ports: Com1, Com2, Com3, Com4.
> Marshall Toburen, AA0FO
> Kansas City, KS
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