[WriteLog] Country??

Danilo Brelih danilo.brelih at siol.net
Sun Oct 21 12:49:37 EDT 2007

Phil Cooper pravi:

> 1.	What country IS 9M50MP (9M2 or 9M6??)

Reading DXNews give us some extra informations on 9M50 prefix.
SH/425 9M50MS is command with Spider DXClusters e.g. S50CLX at

GL Dan, S50U

[425DxNews Bulletin n. 854 of 15/09/2007]
9M50MS      QSL VIA 9M6TW

[425DxNews Bulletin n. 854 of 15/09/2007]
9M50MP      QSL VIA 9M2TO

[425DxNews Bulletin n. 854 of 15/09/2007]
9M50MB      QSL VIA 9M2AU

[425DxNews Bulletin n. 852 of 01/09/2007]
9M     - Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Malaysian indipendence,
a  large number of 9M50M  special event callsigns  (the first  letter
of  the suffix stands  for 'Merdeka',  which means  'independence' in
  Malay language) will be aired from all over that Country between 30
August and 1  September. Expect  9M50MA,  9M50MB, 9M50MC,  9M50MD,
9M50ME, 9M50MF, 9M50MJ, 9M50MK, 9M50MM, 9M50MN,  9M50MP, 9M50MR, 9M50MT
and 9M50MW from West Malaysia,  while 9M50MS and  9M50MQ will be  active
from East  Malaysia.  QSL via  the  MARTS (Malaysian  Amateur  Radio
Transmitters' Society) bureau. [TNX 9M2TO and 9W6RAY]

[425DxNews Bulletin n. 851 of 25/08/2007]
9M2    - Aziz, 9M2AU  will  operate as  9M50MB  on 31  August.  This
special callsign celebrates the 50th anniversary of Malaysian
indipendence. [TNX 9M2AU]


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