[WriteLog] Orion

R o b e r t W o o d rwood90 at clearwire.net
Sat Dec 27 22:39:37 EST 2008

Now have an Orion as my 2nd rig

I'm above version 10.58E (I've unloaded and reloaded writelog a few times today with different versions)

I can set freq on the Orion but writelog isn't polling it or reading frequency
Shows "kHzCW"  regardless of freq or mode of the Orion
If I turn the Orion off - it shows "NO RIG"

Using Prolific drivers for usb/serial cable
also tried my FSK cable (different brand, drivers) and it had same issues 
Have tried brand "MM" and it's talking OK to the Orion

Is there something I screwed up in the INI file?  or that I need to reload?

73 Robert w5aj

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