[WriteLog] Writelog and K1EL Winkey Setup Q.

Palm TC Mail Account sounder01721 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 29 06:41:49 EST 2008

How can I get the radio control on COM 1,  and cw control through the K1EL WKUSB keyer on COM 3?
The WKUSB keyer works fine and the drivers are installed.

My prob is that to get the radio control to work I have the cw button next to com 1 checked, and in that same row I have the radio info settings entered.  This works well for radio control.

I want to use the WKUSB keyer on com 3. I would think that I should check the CW button next to com 3, but then I lose radio control, and the keyer doesn't work. (in the CW keying box I have selected K1EL winkeyer) Writelog will not let me put radio control and winkey control on the same com port.
In earlier versions of writelog in the port setup screen there were columns for CW, RADIO, DVK, and ANT.  in the latest version  there are only CW, DVK, and ANT.

The WKUSB works fine with other logging pgms, and the writelog radio control works. I want to get them working together... radio on COM 1, and the winkey keyer through com 3.
If I could revert back to my three year old writelog program I would. Do I have to modify any ini settings? I searched the K1EL winkey site the the write log site with no luck.
Any ideas?
Bill, K1SM


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