[WriteLog] IC 726

kenny coen ab8xg at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 12:49:37 EST 2008

Still working on interfacing writelog to the icom ic726 rig. I have been through the writelog.ini file several times and i can't seem to find the section for rigs, is this something that i need to write in myself? I would think that it would be easy enough to do just add the port inf for the rig baud rate, parity etc. but not sure if that is where it needs to be placed or if it is suppose to go somewhere else. or if the info for one of the other icom rigs could be edited to work with this rig. and if that is the case where might the rig info be stored. I have used write log for 2 contests now and will have to say it is an awsome program and i am totally hooked on it now. I even had a power failure during the na qso rtty contest with 20 qsos that had not been saved and it didn't miss a beat when i got power back and booted the computer. I'm still learning about the program and contesting so any help or suggestions on this matter would be greatly appreciated. 73 de Kenny AB8XG

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