[WriteLog] Fwd: King of Spain Cabrillo File More

Steve Woodruff sjwoodr at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 12:12:14 EDT 2008

Hi Joe,

It appears that the module is putting the received s/n into both spots in the cabrillo file instead of the sent s/n and recv s/n.  I can check the code tonight and correct it if that's the case.

Which version of the module do you have?  (version is shown in the lower right corner of the setup window when you load or start a new KOS contest log).


Steve N9OH

----- Original Message ----

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 15:18:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joe Young <w6rll at yahoo.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Cabrillo File for King of Spain Contest - WriteLog
    V10.63H May 2007
To: writelog at contesting.com
Message-ID: <858602.59238.qm at web52302.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

My Cabrillo file for the above contest was rejected by the URE robot. The reason was given
  as follows:
  WriteLog Cabrillo File:
  QSO: 14023 CW 2008-05-17 1234 W6RLL         599 052    LY7A          599 052      
QSO: 14018 CW 2008-05-17 1237 W6RLL         599 094    RG9A          599 094      
QSO: 14009 CW 2008-05-17 1239 W6RLL         599 048    G4RCG         599 048      
QSO: 14017 CW 2008-05-17 1241 W6RLL         599 009    IZ3DBA        599 009      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1242 W6RLL         599 064    YT5T          599 064      
QSO: 14014 CW 2008-05-17 1245 W6RLL         599 014    DL8SCG        599 014      
QSO: 14014 CW 2008-05-17 1246 W6RLL         599 057    VE1OP         599 057      
QSO: 14030 CW 2008-05-17 1250 W6RLL         599 028    YU1DW         599 028      
QSO: 14021 CW 2008-05-17 1303 W6RLL         599 061    OH2IPA        599 061      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1311 W6RLL         599 061    DL4CF         599 061      
QSO: 14022 CW 2008-05-17 1314 W6RLL         599 020    K8MP          599 020      
QSO: 14023 CW 2008-05-17 1316 W6RLL         599 071    DP3D          599 071      
QSO: 14037 CW 2008-05-17 1504 W6RLL         599 123    YO5KUC        599 123      
QSO: 14026 CW 2008-05-17 1506 W6RLL         599 158    RV3FF         599 158      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1506 W6RLL         599 125    YP9W          599 125      
QSO: 14012 CW 2008-05-17 1508 W6RLL         599 077    W3BP          599 077      
QSO: 14043 CW 2008-05-17 1510 W6RLL         599 137    RL6YXX        599 137      
QSO: 14016 CW 2008-05-17 1629 W6RLL         599 073    OH2BAH        599 073      
QSO: 14031 CW 2008-05-17 1638 W6RLL         599 030    PA0QX         599 030      
QSO: 14011 CW 2008-05-17 1659 W6RLL         599 360    RD3A          599 360      
QSO: 14036 CW 2008-05-17 1700 W6RLL         599 207    F5IN          599 207      
QSO: 14031 CW 2008-05-17 1707 W6RLL         599 010    SM6X          599 010      
QSO: 14040 CW 2008-05-17 1902 W6RLL         599        EA8AVK        599 GC      
QSO: 14012 CW 2008-05-17 1904 W6RLL         599        EA5HT         599 MU      
QSO: 14025 CW 2008-05-17 1911 W6RLL         599        EA1DX/5       599 A        
QSO: 14028 CW 2008-05-17 1914 W6RLL         599 038    S58AL         599 038      
QSO: 14021 CW 2008-05-17 1953 W6RLL         599 170    DL8QS         599 170      
QSO: 14011 CW 2008-05-17 1957 W6RLL         599 033    N4CW          599 033      
QSO: 14018 CW 2008-05-17 2119 W6RLL         599 024    IZ0FVD        599 024      
  Necessary Cabrillo File:
  QSO: 14023 CW 2008-05-17 1234 W6RLL         599 001    LY7A          599 052      
QSO: 14018 CW 2008-05-17 1237 W6RLL         599 002    RG9A          599 094      
QSO: 14009 CW 2008-05-17 1239 W6RLL         599 003    G4RCG         599 048      
QSO: 14017 CW 2008-05-17 1241 W6RLL         599 004    IZ3DBA        599 009      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1242 W6RLL         599 005    YT5T          599 064      
QSO: 14014 CW 2008-05-17 1245 W6RLL         599 006    DL8SCG        599 014      
QSO: 14014 CW 2008-05-17 1246 W6RLL         599 007    VE1OP         599 057      
QSO: 14030 CW 2008-05-17 1250 W6RLL         599 008    YU1DW         599 028      
QSO: 14021 CW 2008-05-17 1303 W6RLL         599 009    OH2IPA        599 061      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1311 W6RLL         599 010    DL4CF         599 061      
QSO: 14022 CW 2008-05-17 1314 W6RLL         599 011    K8MP          599 020      
QSO: 14023 CW 2008-05-17 1316 W6RLL         599 012    DP3D          599 071      
QSO: 14037 CW 2008-05-17 1504 W6RLL         599 013    YO5KUC        599 123      
QSO: 14026 CW 2008-05-17 1506 W6RLL         599 014    RV3FF         599 158      
QSO: 14024 CW 2008-05-17 1506 W6RLL         599 015    YP9W          599 125      
QSO: 14012 CW 2008-05-17 1508 W6RLL         599 016    W3BP          599 077      
QSO: 14043 CW 2008-05-17 1510 W6RLL         599 017    RL6YXX        599 137      
QSO: 14016 CW 2008-05-17 1629 W6RLL         599 018    OH2BAH        599 073      
QSO: 14031 CW 2008-05-17 1638 W6RLL         599 019    PA0QX         599 030      
QSO: 14011 CW 2008-05-17 1659 W6RLL         599 020    RD3A          599 360      
QSO: 14036 CW 2008-05-17 1700 W6RLL         599 021    F5IN          599 207      
QSO: 14031 CW 2008-05-17 1707 W6RLL         599 022    SM6X          599 010      
QSO: 14040 CW 2008-05-17 1902 W6RLL         599 023    EA8AVK        599 GC      
QSO: 14012 CW 2008-05-17 1904 W6RLL         599 024    EA5HT         599 MU      
QSO: 14025 CW 2008-05-17 1911 W6RLL         599 025    EA1DX/5       599 A        
QSO: 14028 CW 2008-05-17 1914 W6RLL         599 026    S58AL         599 038      
QSO: 14021 CW 2008-05-17 1953 W6RLL         599 027    DL8QS         599 170      
QSO: 14011 CW 2008-05-17 1957 W6RLL         599 028    N4CW          599 033      
QSO: 14018 CW 2008-05-17 2119 W6RLL         599 029    IZ0FVD        599 024      
  Is there a fix for this that I am missing?
  Thanks and 73 de Joe/W6RLL


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 17:43:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joe Young <w6rll at yahoo.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Fwd: King of Spain Cabrillo File More
To: writelog at contesting.com
Message-ID: <567729.36900.qm at web52305.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Joe Young <w6rll at yahoo.com> wrote:  Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 17:39:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joe Young <w6rll at yahoo.com>
Subject: King of Spain Cabrillo File More
To: writelog-request at contesting.com

  I have corrected and resubmitted the Cabrillo file and it has been accepted.
  My question should have been:
  Has WriteLog been corrected so that it will generate the correct Cabrillo file
  for this contest in the future? If so, is it in an update, etc.
  Thanks for reading.


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