[WriteLog] Macros

Jim Rhodes k0xu at longlines.com
Fri May 23 00:39:57 EDT 2008

If you hit the help button on the screen where you define the macros, 
you will get a fairly complete list of the "%" and other functions of 
the macros. And yes it is "%E" (upper case) to end transmit.

At 01:05 PM 5/22/2008, Ken-W9KB wrote:
>I have newly embraced the WriteLog program and finally have it 
>working with Visa, a Navigator interface, and my Pro3. CW mode works 
>FB, however, in RTTY mode my signal hangs on after transmitting any 
>F1-11 message, I believe I need to add %e or some other operator to 
>end the stream.
>I would like to find a complete list of the '%' control functions. 
>Can someone point my in the right direction?
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Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone. 

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