[WriteLog] Loose Screw With WL Packet

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Sat Nov 1 14:52:21 EDT 2008

My remote link just went down and too rainy to haul stuff up to the remote site with steep dirt road uncertainties and possible lightning.

So if I end up operating from home, I'd prefer to go "U" category but I discovered there's now a 'Loose Screw" WL Packet stuff.

When I click (or double-click) on a spot, the Call Window populates, but the TXRX no longer switches to the posted frequency.  What's up with that?

Is there a Magic Switch setting somewhere that may have gone QLF that I need to resolve?

Tnx for any assistance.  SS starts in about 2 hours.

I sooooooo dislike that Murphy character ;0(

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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